My name is Susanne Anderson and live outside the town Helsingborg, in the south of Sweden. The first dog of my own was purchased in 1973. It was a cocker spaniel bitch. Her breeder taught me much about showing and we travelled togheter around Sweden. I also competed in obedience.

First litter of puppies came in 1975, and I have been an active breeder since then. However only one litter of cockers, as a basset hound arrived from England. During 25 years we had successful breedng of basset hounds. We also had kerry blue terriers for a number of years. Since 1997 the dog family only consist of lakeland terriers.

The prefix Checkpoint was registered in 1981.
At the time there was certain demands to fulfill prior to the application.

During the years I have been active board member of different clubs. I have also been ringsteward and kennel consultant.

The dogs are very important in my life and we are spending very much time together. As I am interested in showing, I travel a lot to shows, both in Sweden and abroad. But we also attend to other activities, like obedience, agility and track.

If you are interested in a Lakeland terrier, you are always welcome to contact me.
Ch Checkpoint Scene Stealer
Copyright © Checkpoint | Susanne Andersson | Helsingborg | Sweden |Ph: +46 42228244 | E-mail: checkpoint@telia.com